Grand Prix Bern


Gilgen took part

The city of Bern was in colourful turmoil on Saturday: the Grand Prix Bern took place. Over a distance of around 16 kilometres (10 miles), the runners put their stamina to the test. Amongst the colourful participants, yellow Gilgen shirts stood out time and again, as Gilgen Door Systems was also represented by a team this year. Together they finished in 29th place and eleven of our fast and persevering team members successfully crossed the finish line.

The course of the Original Grand Prix (there were also shorter versions, for example the Bear Course for families) resembled a tourist tour: it went past the Bear Pit, over the Nydegg Bridge, to the Zytglogge, to the City Hall, along the blue shimmering Aare, past the Zoo, the Federal Palace and the Minster. Over 25,000 athletes took part in total.

We congratulate all the runners and we are proud of our Grand Prix Gilgen team!