Terms of Use
Gilgen Door Systems AG («Gilgen») appreciates your visit to this website and your interest in Gilgen’s products, solutions and service performances. The website with the respective terms and conditions of use is operated by Gilgen Door Systems AG («Gilgen»), Freiburgstrasse 34, 3150 Schwarzenburg, Switzerland. Please read the present conditions of use carefully before continuing to work. By accessing this website, you agree with the terms and conditions of use.
Contents of the website
All the contents such as information and materials published by Gilgen on this website are merely provided for the purpose of general information and for advertising their products, solutions and service performances. They do not claim to be exhaustive or complete.
Please note that, unless otherwise specified, all the contents of this website are protected by copyright and that they must not be used without a written permission from Gilgen or from the respective copyright holders.
The contents of this website have been created by Gilgen with utmost care. Nevertheless, Gilgen does not accept any warranty for the accuracy, integrity and actuality of the contents provided on this website. You should therefore carefully verify any changes of the contents and information of this website. -
Data protection and data safety
The protection of privacy and the correct handling of your personal data is a matter of great importance to Gilgen. In this context, please read the privacy statement. -
Intellectual property rights
All the contents and information of this website are subject to the appropriate protection rights, especially copyrights, trademark and design rights owned by Gilgen, their subsidiary companies or license suppliers.
Without the written approval from Gilgen, no contents or details of this website may be used in any form or with any means whatsoever. It is especially prohibited to change, copy, reproduce, transfer or sell the contents of the website, whether in whole or in part. -
Inadmissible use
It is not permitted to use automated systems or automated software for the extraction of contents or information provided on this website. Any activities liable to interfere with the function of this website are inadmissible. This also includes any and all activities or measures that might entail an excessive or unacceptable burden on the website’s infrastructure. Without prejudice to the assertion of other rights and claims, Gilgen reserves the right to block access to this website at any time if a violation of these conditions of use is detected. -
Exclusion of liability
Even though Gilgen has taken maximum care and diligence when preparing the contents and information of this website, it may still contain inaccuracies and errors. To the extent permitted by law, Gilgen therefore accepts no liability. In particular, Gilgen does not assume any liability in the event of malfunctions or a failure of this website or of the contents and information thereof. Within the scope permitted by law, Gilgen also excludes any liability for direct or indirect damages, not only for themselves but also for their bodies, auxiliary staff and third parties mandated by Gilgen. In no event will Gilgen be liable for consequential damages, loss of data, damages resulting from downloads, third-party claims and loss of benefits.
In addition, Gilgen does not assume any responsibility or warranty for any possible virus or similarly destructive code that the computer equipment and/or software you are using may suffer as a result of your access to this website, its contents and information or its use. -
Availability of this website
Gilgen strives for a high degree of availability of this website. Nevertheless, Gilgen cannot assume any responsibility for or guarantee an uninterrupted, continuous and trouble-free operation or access to the information published on the website. In particular, restrictions on use may result from the functionalities of the used terminal device (computer, Smartphone, tablet, etc.), Web-Browsers or your local telecommunications provider. These factors are obviously beyond Gilgen’s sphere of influence. Gilgen thus disclaims any liability and warranty within the legally admissible scope. -
In the course of the further development of this website and the implementation of new technologies or of a legislative change, the present conditions of use may have to be adapted to the new situation. Gilgen therefore advises to reread the conditions of use from time to time.
Gilgen reserves the right at any time to revise and change the present conditions of use as well as this website and its contents and the information it provides. The latest version of the conditions of use published on this website applies. -
Place of jurisdiction and applicable law
Place of jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of the present conditions of use is the head office of Gilgen. The present conditions of use as well as the access and use of the website’s contents and the use of the services and platforms provided on the website are governed by Swiss law, with the exclusion of any convention of the United Nations regarding contracts for the international sale of goods (Vienna Sales Law).
Latest change: 24.05.2018